Dusty & Dot Showcase!

Dusty & Dot Showcase!

Through storytelling and the magic of puppetry, Dusty & Dott celebrate curiosity and encourage the values of creative learning and play!

When Dusty Met Dott…

Meet Dott! Like the Polkadot!  And this is her dog Dusty, like the dust.

Dusty & Dott are best friends. They love to tell stories, play games, and go on adventures! With Dusty’s bounding curiosity (he is a dog after all), Dott does her best to keep up with all of his questions. They are constantly learning new tricks, together!

Dusty & Dot are committed to creating an environment that is welcoming and supportive of all identities.

Saturday, February 15 from 2 - 3 pm at the Raquette Lake Library

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