G Lake


Piseco, NY 12139

Set back in a quiet corner of the Ferris Lake Wild Forest sits G Lake. Its name is derived from the shape of the body of water, which, unironically, forms something that resembles a letter “G.” It doesn’t take a huge effort to reach this alphabetical treasure. In fact, the trail is so mellow and short, it’s perfect for the whole family, even canoeists who want to portage!

Getting there

To reach G Lake in summer, drive down NY Route 8 to a narrow gravel road found ~2.5 miles west of the intersection with Old Piseco Road. Turn here and continue to the parking space. The access road is all on state land and open to the public, allowing visitors to drive to within 0.4 miles of the lake. (However, if you want to bookmark this spot for a snowier time, the road is not plowed in winter and will add 2.5 miles to your outing.)


This is more of a walk than a hike at only 0.4 miles one way. There are campsites here, persuading you to make an overnight of your trip or even just a picnic for a few hours. From the summer parking near a barrier, it’s less than half a mile to the best water access and campsite. When you arrive, you’ll notice that this spot is near a clearing. This is the site of a former camp which was privately owned. If you make it out on the water, you’ll notice the remains of a dam at the outlet of the lake. Because the dam is no longer functional, the lake is not very deep. Even with human alteration to this environment, G Lake is still a beautiful location and a great hike to stretch your legs or introduce young ones to the outdoors.


This trail starts with a scenic drive through a hardwood forest offering many bird-watching opportunities. After the short drive, a 0.4-mile hike into G Lake continues the birding experience, passing through a spectacular hardwood forest.

As you approach the lake you’ll see a peninsula and scenic views across the water to the north. Nesting loons have been spotted on the opposite side of the pond, so approach carefully if in nesting season. The habitats are diverse, so you may see Golden-crowned Kinglets, Vireos, nesting loons, White-throated Sparrows, Ovenbirds, Winter Wrens, and a variety of woodland Warblers.

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