Sis and Bubb Lakes


Inlet, NY 13360

The trail to Sis and Bubb lakes is very pleasant and suitable for families. Stunning views await those who take this short walk.

How to get there

The trailhead is off Route 28, about 2 miles southwest of downtown Inlet and 1 mile southwest of Eagle Bay. Look for the DEC parking area on the right.

By the numbers

  • Distance: 0.5 miles to Bubb Lake and 0.9 miles to Sis Lake.
  • Elevation gain: less than 200 feet


This trail gets modest use and the small trailhead parking area can often be full on a busy weekend. From the trailhead you will start climbing moderately up and over the shoulder of Vista Ridge — the Vista Trail will come in on your left. Once you crest the ridge you will start a slow descent to the drainage between Sis and Bubb lakes. A very nice footbridge spans to the gap. You can continue to the north side of Bubb Lake for additional views. The trail ends at the Moss Lake Loop, which can be added onto your outing for some additional miles.

Winter overview

This trail would make a good snowshoe or cross-country ski outing. However, the trailhead may not be plowed and this is part of a snowmobile route.


Brook trout and bullhead can be found in these waters.


This quiet trail is excellent birding in most seasons! You'll find songbirds in the forest and maybe some shore or aquatic birds around the lakes.




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