November is an especially quiet time for recreational events in our neck of the woods, sort of the "calm before the storm" of winter. But, don't be fooled as there are several fun annual holiday favorites that start the day after Thanksgiving! Pre-holi...
Over the years, I have created my own Veteran's Day tradition. As long as I am not working, the day typically goes as follows: Early Morning - Wake and spend some time with my family. Late Morning - Attend the local Veteran's Day Ceremony to pay...
Many new recreational opportunities are now available to the public with the newly opened Chain Lakes Road South access in Indian Lake. This region spans parts of the Blue Mountain Wild Forest, Pine Lake Primitive Area, and Hudson Gorge Wilderness...
The expansive Adirondack Park is comprised of over 6 million acres of land. If you were to translate that into city blocks, you would be able to fit more than 15 million blocks within the park. However, we are lucky that rather than being an...
Nutrition on the Trail: Gluten Free Snacks for the Back-Country First off what's gluten? A substance present in certain grains, especially wheat, it is a mixture of two proteins; it causes illness in people with celiac disease and many more people are...
Packages and Promotions
Valid Jan. 1
- Mar. 31
Valid Oct. 4
- Mar. 31
3rd Night Free + $3 Off Any Entree Lunch or Dinner
Adirondack Hotel on Long Lake
3rd Night Free + $3 off any entree lunch or dinner (per guest per day) This Historic Adirondack Hotel built in the 1800s is centrally...
Valid Nov. 1
- Apr. 30
Valid Oct. 4
- Apr. 28
Play All Day, Stay All Night
The Woods Inn
Play All Day, Stay All Night The Woods Inn is a beautiful restored historical waterfront inn, on Fourth Lake in Inlet, NY....
Valid Dec. 1
- Mar. 31
Valid Oct. 4
- Mar. 29
Third Weeknight Free
Third Weeknight Free Get three nights for the price of two! Sunday - Thursday. Cozy one, to four-bedroom cabins sleeping 2 - 8 people....
Valid Jan. 2
- Mar. 23
Valid Oct. 4
- Mar. 23
15% Off with Code
Paddler's Rest
15% Off with Code "Snowmobile" Paddlers Rest Lake Front Cabins and Motel Located perfectly on the shores of Long Lake. Sled...
Valid Dec. 6
- Mar. 31
Valid Oct. 4
- Mar. 31
15% Off Regular Rates
Blue Mountain Rest
15% Off Regular Rates Stay at one of the remote cabins in the country, located in Blue Mountain Lake, NY in the heart of snowmobile...