As I lay in our teardrop camper thinking about the bears the ranger had advised us about at Eighth Lake State Campground I realized I'm really not afraid of bears any longer. There was a day when I'd practically have a heart attack at the sight of the...
Affordable Skiing & Snowboarding Does Exist! Are you thinking about planning a family ski trip? Now are you preparing yourself for the sticker shock? No need to worry... skiing doesn't have to break the bank! Yes, you heard me right, there is an...
Calling an Audible I had planned on paddling and exploring Cedar River Flow this past weekend and loaded up my gear for the trip with Wren. It was a breezy, overcast day, but I was hopeful we could still manage the open water in the boat. By the time...

New Trail To the Falls Humans are inextricably drawn to water in all its forms. We are particularly captivated by falling water. The sights and sounds of waterfalls are mesmerizing. One of the highest, and certainly one of the most spectacular...
This week's assignment: Learn to hunt From 9 to 5, Monday through Friday, my life consists of many, many e-mails. Few however make me laugh as hard as the one than that I received a couple of weeks ago: Date: September 17, 2014To: Michelle...
Packages and Promotions
Valid Jan. 1
- Mar. 31
Valid Oct. 4
- Mar. 31
3rd Night Free + $3 Off Any Entree Lunch or Dinner
Adirondack Hotel on Long Lake
3rd Night Free + $3 off any entree lunch or dinner (per guest per day) This Historic Adirondack Hotel built in the 1800s is centrally...
Valid Nov. 1
- Apr. 30
Valid Oct. 4
- Apr. 28
Play All Day, Stay All Night
The Woods Inn
Play All Day, Stay All Night The Woods Inn is a beautiful restored historical waterfront inn, on Fourth Lake in Inlet, NY....
Valid Dec. 1
- Mar. 31
Valid Oct. 4
- Mar. 29
Third Weeknight Free
Third Weeknight Free Get three nights for the price of two! Sunday - Thursday. Cozy one, to four-bedroom cabins sleeping 2 - 8 people....
Valid Jan. 2
- Mar. 23
Valid Oct. 4
- Mar. 23
15% Off with Code
Paddler's Rest
15% Off with Code "Snowmobile" Paddlers Rest Lake Front Cabins and Motel Located perfectly on the shores of Long Lake. Sled...
Valid Dec. 6
- Mar. 31
Valid Oct. 4
- Mar. 31
15% Off Regular Rates
Blue Mountain Rest
15% Off Regular Rates Stay at one of the remote cabins in the country, located in Blue Mountain Lake, NY in the heart of snowmobile...