Once upon a time, in the late 1920s, Speculator was the location of the most famous boxing training camp in the world. Gene Tunney, world heavyweight champion, trained there during the most momentous time of his career. Following Tunney's successful...
The geography and the landscape of the Adirondacks have always formed a sort of "border of challenges." Let's face it: living here isn't always easy. The winters can be long. The roads are few. The landscape can be unbelievably stubborn. Therefore...
"All Forward!" "Stop!" "Back on the right!" "Hit the deck!" For eight years as a licensed whitewater raft guide, I've called out these - and other - commands to many different crews on my raft. People from all different walks of life -- many of them...
With a one-in-twenty year bumper food crop this past winter, Red and White-winged Crossbills irrupted into the Adirondacks, with the largest concentration occurring in Long Lake. Birders traveled from all over the east coast to see these fascinating...
If there was one single person who drew the most people to the Adirondacks, it just might be Seneca Ray Stoddard. His parents, Charles Stanley Stoddard and Julia Ann Ray, gave him both of their names, along with a first name which evoked the Seneca...
Packages and Promotions
Valid Jan. 1
- Mar. 31
Valid Oct. 4
- Mar. 31
3rd Night Free + $3 Off Any Entree Lunch or Dinner
Adirondack Hotel on Long Lake
3rd Night Free + $3 off any entree lunch or dinner (per guest per day) This Historic Adirondack Hotel built in the 1800s is centrally...
Valid Nov. 1
- Apr. 30
Valid Oct. 4
- Apr. 28
Play All Day, Stay All Night
The Woods Inn
Play All Day, Stay All Night The Woods Inn is a beautiful restored historical waterfront inn, on Fourth Lake in Inlet, NY....
Valid Dec. 1
- Mar. 31
Valid Oct. 4
- Mar. 29
Third Weeknight Free
Camp Driftwood
Third Weeknight Free Get three nights for the price of two! Sunday - Thursday. Cozy one, to four-bedroom cabins sleeping 2 - 8 people....
Valid Jan. 2
- Mar. 23
Valid Oct. 4
- Mar. 23
15% Off with Code
Paddler's Rest
15% Off with Code "Snowmobile" Paddlers Rest Lake Front Cabins and Motel Located perfectly on the shores of Long Lake. Sled...
Valid Dec. 6
- Mar. 31
Valid Oct. 4
- Mar. 31
15% Off Regular Rates
Blue Mountain Rest
15% Off Regular Rates Stay at one of the remote cabins in the country, located in Blue Mountain Lake, NY in the heart of snowmobile...