There are 2 types of people- those who long for summer for half of the year, and those who long for winter the other half! If you find yourself in the latter group, why not consider a trip to Hamilton County for your winter snowmobile getaway! We...
Winter this year may look a little different than most previous years. Regulations have tightened a bit and we may not be able to spend as much time indoor as other years. Why not make the best of the situation and try some new outdoor activities...
Gearing up for winter in the Adirondacks means getting the warm clothes out, putting the boats away, and making sure skis, snowboards, snowmobiles, and any other toys are serviced! We've got all the winter fun in Hamilton County.
It's no secret: 2020 was a strange year. One shining example of a place keeping tradition alive in 2020 while marrying in new, COVID safety protocols is The Hedges on Blue Mountain Lake. Since 1921, The Hedges has been an Adirondack escape for many.
Last weekend my husband, brother in law, pup and I headed out to check out the recently refurbished Foxy Brown Trail*. It was a cold, early winter afternoon and the trail was a little damp, but the wooded trail was a welcome escape from the whipping wind.
Packages and Promotions
Valid Jan. 1
- Mar. 31
Valid Oct. 4
- Mar. 31
3rd Night Free + $3 Off Any Entree Lunch or Dinner
Adirondack Hotel on Long Lake
3rd Night Free + $3 off any entree lunch or dinner (per guest per day) This Historic Adirondack Hotel built in the 1800s is centrally...
Valid Nov. 1
- Apr. 30
Valid Oct. 4
- Apr. 28
Play All Day, Stay All Night
The Woods Inn
Play All Day, Stay All Night The Woods Inn is a beautiful restored historical waterfront inn, on Fourth Lake in Inlet, NY....
Valid Dec. 1
- Mar. 31
Valid Oct. 4
- Mar. 29
Third Weeknight Free
Third Weeknight Free Get three nights for the price of two! Sunday - Thursday. Cozy one, to four-bedroom cabins sleeping 2 - 8 people....
Valid Jan. 2
- Mar. 23
Valid Oct. 4
- Mar. 23
15% Off with Code
Paddler's Rest
15% Off with Code "Snowmobile" Paddlers Rest Lake Front Cabins and Motel Located perfectly on the shores of Long Lake. Sled...
Valid Dec. 6
- Mar. 31
Valid Oct. 4
- Mar. 31
15% Off Regular Rates
Blue Mountain Rest
15% Off Regular Rates Stay at one of the remote cabins in the country, located in Blue Mountain Lake, NY in the heart of snowmobile...