We scoured our blogs for the most popular, most informative, and just downright oddest pieces from the past year. In case you missed them on the first go-round, here are our top 3 Adirondack Experience picks.
#3. Top 7 Reasons Not To Sled The Adks
If you are the type of person that hates to break out of the norm, you don't enjoy a laid-back attitude, and you hate nature - avoid the trails in Speculator. For everyone else, I say grab your sled, head for C4/8, pick a trail, and make the most of winter. This newbie rider sums up the Top 7 Reasons NOT to hit the corridor in Speculator, do you agree?

#2. Have you seen this funky little town?
When I first walked up to the Adirondack's very own Route 66, I felt as thought I had stumbled onto the movie set of Big Fish and that Johnny Depp would be walking out from behind a building at any moment. Unfortunately, I did not see Depp, but it was pretty magical to feel how these miniatures bring out the child in you.

#1. 7 Weird Sites In the Adirondacks
We all associate the Adirondack Park with being a pristine wilderness area full of endless opportunities for outdoor recreation. But, like all places, there is more to these small towns and villages in than simply what fits on a postcard. From "The Boob" to conspiracy theories, the Adirondacks has its share of oddities. Check out this list of weird, wacky, and unique ADK things.

Well, there you have it... our Top 3 blogs from 2015. We can't wait to explore and bring you more in 2016! Cheers!
2015 year-end roundup: Top 3 blogs from around the ADKs.